Elizabeth River District Men's Ministry
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Ministering To Men Along The Elizabeth River

Featured Ministry

2012 Camp Dates are July 8-13 and August 12-17
Deadline for new staff applications is April 15, 2012
(Scroll to the bottom of this page to find staff application forms.)
To request a camper application packet, e-mail CindyIngroff@vaumc.org
Camp Rainbow Connection is a week-long respite camp held once in July and once in August for individuals with intellectual disabilities. A ministry of the Commission on Disabilities of the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church, it has been in operation since 1985.
The staff and volunteers of Camp Rainbow are dedicated to providing a wonderful and enriching summer program for each camper. The Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center (VUMAC) in Blackstone, Virginia, is the location for Camp Rainbow Connection.
Campers participate in a variety of activities including Bible class, music, arts and crafts, games, dancing, and special activities. Camp Rainbow is a continuation of Christ’s ministry where campers and staff of all races and religions experience Christian love.
Throughout the week, campers find at the end of the rainbow their treasure of love and acceptance. The objectives of Camp Rainbow Connection are to:
• Demonstrate Christian love with compassion and acceptance.
• Provide opportunities for campers to experience fun, fellowship, and Christian teachings.
• Experience a week where persons with disabilities can work together as a team.
Criteria for Admission
Camp Rainbow Connection is a wonderful expression of God’s love. However, it is NOT for everyone due to its structure and location. Campers spend the week with others of various ability levels. Each camper is paired with a staff "buddy." Staff members give of their time as volunteers. For this reason, camp is not appropriate for individuals who do not meet the following criteria.
The potential camper must:
• Have a mild to moderate level of intellectual disability although other disabilities may exist.
• Be at least 16 years of age or older.
• Perform activities of daily living such as dressing, eating, bathing, and toileting that require little assistance.  Note:  An individual will not be admitted to camp if he/she cannot control bowel or urine elimination.
• Participate in all camp activities as appropriate.
• Demonstrate no physical and/or emotional threat to self or others and require little care in terms of his/her behavior.
• Document from a physician that no recent hospitalizations have occurred.
Registration Requirements                                                                                
All application forms are due by April 1. We cannot allow any exceptions.
Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The cost of the camp is determined each year. For 2012, the cost was $450. Limited financial assistance is available upon request.
An application fee of $25 is required of all applicants.
Camp Rainbow Connection Documents
Safe Sanctuaries information is available by clicking here.
To request a camper application packet, e-mail CindyIngroff@vaumc.org