Elizabeth River District Men's Ministry
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ministering To Men Along The Elizabeth River

 What is the Elizabeth River/Eastern Shore District Men’s Ministry?

The United Methodist Men are a long standing organization within the United Methodist Church of men doing ministry together. In recent years, the men of the Elizabeth River District decided to clarify our direction of men doing ministry together & thus we began referring to ourselves as a Men’s Ministry. We are still a part of the United Methodist Men but we want to make sure that people understand that we are “men in action” doing ministry together. That is why you now see the title “Elizabeth River/Eastern Shore District Men’s Ministry”.


Why do we need an Elizabeth River/Eastern Shore District Men’s Ministry?

You may say, the men at my church are doing just fine & I don’t see the need of being involved with other men outside of my church for ministry. According to the Bible, we need each other. Psalms 133:1 reads “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”. I believe that with the condition of the world today & even the current condition of the United Methodist Church, that we need each other whether we realize it or not!

I also believe that we are stronger together than we are individually. Again, the Bible reads in Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken. We can accomplish more for making disciples for Jesus Christ by banding together than we ever can by doing it alone.


What can we as Elizabeth River/Eastern Shore District Men’s Ministry accomplish together?

I’m looking forward & am praying that this year that we will begin much needed mission work within the Elizabeth River/Eastern Shore District to let people know that the men of the Hampton Roads area love them and care about their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs. At our recent team meeting, we discussed asking the men of our district to let it be known if you have a mission opportunity already going on at your church but you could use some help. If so, this would be a great opportunity for the men of our district to band together & help out our brothers in getting the job “at hand” accomplished for Christ. Let’s see what together we can get going for the kingdom of God!


Your Brother In Christ,

David Collins, Past Team Leader