Elizabeth River District Men's Ministry
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Ministering To Men Along The Elizabeth River



Constitution Revised: May,2013

Bylaws and Constitution Approved: January 14, 2014

Bylaws Revised: May,2013

Having the knowledge of the rich blessings which God has given us,especially the realization that we have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we, the United Methodist Men of the Elizabeth River District of the United Methodist Church, freely join our hearts and hands in Christian fellowship.  Inso doing we rededicate ourselves, our time,our talents, and our resources to the building of the Kingdom of God through the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We continue our sincere faith in daily prayer to Jesus Christ asking Him to keep us steadfast in all our thoughts, words, and actions so that His Kingdom may be glorified both here and hereafter.


The Constitution of the United Methodist Men of the Elizabeth River District of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church shall be revised to be consistent with The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2012, paragraph 671.

Article 1. Name

The name of the organization shall be: The United Methodist men of the Elizabeth River District  hereinafter referred to as the UMMERD. This organization shall be auxiliary to the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men and to the General Commission on United Methodist Men.


Article 2. Function

The functions of the UMMERD shall be to work with all men within the Virginia Conference UMMen, district organizations and the local units of United Methodist Men in developing programs to meet the needs and interests of men and the concerns and responsibilities of discipleship; to assist in personal witness and evangelism; to enable outreach in individual and group mission and ministry; to encourage and support spiritual growth and faith development; and to promote the objectives and responsibilities of the Virginia Annual Conference and the General Commission on United Methodist Men.


Article 3. Responsibility

The UMMERD shall have the responsibility to promote its work in accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the Virginia Annual Conference and the General Commission on United Methodist Men.


Article 4. Membership

The UMMERD shall be composed of all men and clergy of local churches or charges within the bounds of the Elizabeth River District of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Membership may include any man with a desire to know the love of Jesus Christ.

Article 5. Officers and Committees


a) The UMMERD shall elect a President (Team Leader), a Programs Coordinator, a Membership Coordinator, a Ministries Coordinator, a Communications Coordinator, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Chaplain.

b) The Elizabeth River District Superintendent shall be a member of the UMMERD and its executive committee.

c) A District Director will be appointed by the District Superintendent.

d) Additional officers and committees shall be elected or appointed in accordance with the bylaws of the UMMERD.

e) The district lay leader (or designated representative) shall be a member of the UMMERD organization and of its executive committee.

Article 6. Meetings and Elections

a) There shall be an annual meeting of the UMMERD at which time there shall be presented an annual report and a program plan designed to meet the needs of the men of the Elizabeth River District. Officers shall be elected in accordance with the requirements of the UMMERD’s bylaws.

b) The voting body of the annual meeting of the UMMERD shall include district and local fellowship officers and committee chairpersons as determined, members of the General Commission on United Methodist Men, and members of the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men, and all United Methodist Men residing within the bounds of the Elizabeth River District.


Article 7. Relationships

a) The Team Leader of the UMMERD is a member of the Virginia Annual Conference.

b) The Team Leader of the UMMERD shall represent the Elizabeth River District on the Virginia Conference UMMen. In the absence of the Team Leader a designated member may represent the UMMERD

c) Designated members shall represent the UMMERD on the various agencies, councils, commissions, and committees of the district as the constitutions and bylaws of such agencies provide.

d) The UMMERD shall encourage men to participate in the total life and work of the Church and shall support them in assuming positions of responsibility, leadership, and daily discipleship.

Article 8. Connectional Reporting

a) The UMMERD shall file a current copy of this constitution with the Virginia Conference United Methodist Men.

b) The UMMERD shall submit an annual report to the Virginia Conference United Methodist Men prior to the United Methodist Men 's annual meeting.



The Elizabeth River District Men’s Ministry Team (ERDMMT) is a ministry of the United Methodist Men of the Elizabeth River District (UMMERD).  As such it is the designated organization to carry out the various ministries and programs of the UMMERD.


Article 1. Officers

a) The elected officers of the ERDMMT shall be: Team Leader, Programs Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Ministries Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, and Chaplain. Should an elected officer be unable to complete his term, the Ministry Team shall elect a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting

b) To be nominated for the office of Team Leader or Coordinator, an individual shall normally have served in at least one other elected position within the organization.

c) No person shall be nominated without his prior approval and commitment to serve if elected.

d) All elected officers must be members of a United Methodist Church in the Elizabeth River District.

e) Officers of the ERDMMT shall be elected each year at the Annual Meeting for a one-year term following the date of election. The Team Leader, Director of Programs, and Membership Coordinator shall serve for no more than two consecutive years in anyone office.

f) The Team Leader elected immediately before the current Team Leader shall serve as Immediate Past Team Leader. Should that individual be unable or unwilling to serve, the office of Immediate Past Team Leader shall be vacant.


Article 2. Duties of Officers


a) The Team Leader shall:

1. Be the executive officer of the ERDMMT and shall preside at all Annual, Ministry Team, Special, and Executive Committee meetings.

2. Is a member of the Elizabeth River District Council of Ministries and may be appointed to serve on other committees by the District Superintendent.

3. Provide general oversight and information of all the work of the United Methodist Men in the district and in local church fellowships.

4. Be an ex-officio member of all ERDMMT committees except the nominating committee.

5. Develop a recommended calendar of events, a list of goals, and a list of activities for the ERDMMT for each year in which he is elected to the office and shall present these items at his first Ministry Team Meeting.

6. Recommend to the Ministry Team persons to serve as: Webmaster, Sub-district Coordinators, Heart Havens Advocate, Scouting Coordinator, and an Auditor which shall audit the records of the Treasurer and shall report to a business session of the Annual Meeting.

7. Appoint committees and individuals as necessary to meet the spiritual growth and development of the UMMERD.

b) Coordinators
1. The Programs Coordinator shall:
a. Assist the Team Leader by performing such duties as assigned by the Team Leader.
b. Assume full responsibility of the team leadership in the absence of the Team Leader.
c. Promote spiritual growth and development at all levels of the ERDMMT.
d. Coordinate all district level functions and act as program director.
2. The Membership Coordinator shall:
a. Maintain an accurate roster of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and electronic mail addresses of all members of the Ministry Team and local church points of contact.
b. Promote spiritual growth and development at all levels of the ERDMMT.
c. Promote and encourage all men within the United Methodist Church to participate in local, district and conference activities.

3. The Ministry Coordinator shall:

a. Prepare monthly informational reviews with input from each actively supported nurture and outreach ministry of the ERDMMT.  For example: Heart Havens, Scouting, and others as directed by the Team Leader.

b. Review proposals from various team members to investigate programs and/or ministries for endorsement by the ERDMMT.

c. Supervise an in depth review of these programs and/or ministries as selected by the ERDMMT and determine selected team members to become resident experts for presenting programs and/or ministries to the local fellowships within the Elizabeth River District.

d. Whenever possible the Ministry Coordinator will be a Certified Men’s Ministry Specialist (MMS).


4. The Communications Coordinator shall:

a. Coordinate all modes of communications for the ERDMMT.

b. Be familiar with a wide variety of electronic communications and social networking systems.

c. Work closely with the Webmaster and Sub-district Coordinators to ensure effective dissemination of information to all United Methodist Men.

d. Ensure monthly submissions to the district newsletter.

e. Be responsible for training members of the ERDMMT in registering for and utilization of various social networking systems.


c) The Secretary shall:

1. Keep records of all meetings of the Executive Committee and Ministry Team as well as meetings of the ERDMMT. Accounts of each meeting shall be filed in a permanent record for future reference. Minutes of Executive Committee meetings shall be mailed to all members of the Executive Committee within 18 days after each meeting.

2. Send notices of all meetings of the Executive Committee, Ministry Team and other committees, as instructed by the Team Leader, at least one week prior to the meeting date.


d) The Treasurer shall:

1. Receive and disburse all funds.

2. Maintain adequate records and submit and present a written report at each Ministry Team meeting, and to the Team Leader upon request.

3. Disburse funds upon authorization of the Executive Committee or written voucher. Any voucher received by the treasurer from a non­executive committee member must have prior approval of the ERDMMT Team Leader.

4. Maintain records in a permanent file for future reference.

5. Promptly deposit all funds received in an account in the name of the United Methodist Men of the Elizabeth River District of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

6. Submit financial records to the Auditor.

7. Provide an annual financial report to the Team Leader.

9. Insure adequate regular communication is conducted to encourage charter enrollments and request support for ERDMMT ministries from each local fellowship within the district.

e) The Chaplain shall:
1. Ensure a devotional is prepared and presented at each Ministry Team and Executive Committee meeting and the Annual Meeting.
2. Ensure grace is offered at all meals during meetings of the ERDMMT.
3. Contact individuals to perform these tasks as necessary.
Article 3:  Appointed Officers:
The Team Leader shall appoint advocates to assist the elected officers and the men’s fellowships on an as needed basis.  As a minimum, the following appointments will be made:
a) The Webmaster shall:

1. Provide assistance in electronic communications, primarily to the Communications and Membership Coordinators.

2. Ensure that a website is up and functioning effectively.

3. Ensure that the website to is used to promote communication among the men of the Elizabeth River District informing them of the events, activities, and opportunities available for spiritual growth.
4. Ensure that the appearance of the website is fresh, appealing and artistic. 
5 Ensure that the website is routinely maintained so that the content is current, timely and user friendly.
6. The webmaster shall ensure that information is gathered and presented on the website from Team Leaders, Sub District Coordinators, etc. about ministries and church activities within the district.


b) The ten Sub-District Coordinators, in conjunction with the Communications Coordinator, shall:

1. Facilitate the exchange of information between their assigned churches in the District.               
2. Use e-mail, telephone, Website, Facebook and face-to-face meetings to
a. Bring Men’s Ministry activities to the attention of their assigned churches.    
b. Promote District and church programs and events
3. Stay in regular contact with assigned churches to:
a. Gather information for use by other District churches, sharing what works and
what doesn’t to grow men in faith. 
b. Keep e-mail and phone info up to date for the men of the ERDMMT.
c. Communicate church needs to the ERDMM Team.
4. Regularly attend ERDMMT meetings and general meeting
5. Support the ERDMMT Membership Coordinator for churches needing help with building men’s ministries by serving on a team of advisors tailored to meet individual Church needs. 
6. Coordinate communications between other sub-district coordinators, webmaster and district officers.  Determine which churches will be featured as “Men’s Ministry of the Month” on the Web Page. 
7. Suggest articles for the District newsletter from their assigned churches.
8. As required, help coordinate and promote inter-church functions and intra-district activities with appropriate ERDMMT coordinators to both minimize duplication and leverage limited resources for men’s ministry events. 

c) The Scouting Advocate shall:
1. Support the fellowships in the ERD who are sponsoring scouting ministries.
2. Encourage fellowships in the ERD to establish new troops or groups through church sponsorship.
d) The Men’s Ministry Advocate shall:
1. Support the education and spiritual growth of men in the ERD through training, retreats or other events.
e) The Heart Havens Advocate shall:
1. Coordinate the maintenance and repair of the Heart Havens homes in the ERD.

2. Organize events for the residents and counselors of these homes as appropriate.

Article 4. Executive Committee
a) Membership - The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Team Leader, the Programs Coordinator, the Membership Coordinator, the Ministries Coordinator, the Communications Coordinator, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chaplain, the Immediate Past Team Leader, the District Director, the District Lay Leader, and the District Superintendent.
b) Duties - The Executive Committee shall prayerfully determine the direction of the Elizabeth River District Men’s Ministry Team and shall coordinate the officers in carrying out that direction.
c) When called upon by the Team Leader the Executive Committee will address any short notice issues which require immediate resolution.
d) Provide resolution to issues which seem to be deadlocked by the Cabinet.
Article 5. Cabinet
a) Membership - The Cabinet shall be composed of the Executive Committee, all Sub-District Coordinators, all individuals appointed to positions by the Team Leader, and all, chartered and non-chartered, local fellowship Presidents
b) Duties - Propose and/or review all studies, plans, or proposals related to all aspects of effective ministry, concerns and responsibilities of the ERDMTT and present these studies, plans, or proposals to the Executive Committee for consideration and final direction.
Article 6. Meetings
a) The Annual meeting of the ERDMMT shall normally be held during the month of January at a date, time, and location designated by the Program Coordinator, with the approval of the Executive Committee. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is: to provide a special program of information and leadership development for the men of the district, the election of the officers, present an annual report and a program plan, and honor the pastors and Life Members of the United Methodist Men. The entire membership of the Elizabeth River District Men’s Ministry Team shall be encouraged to attend. The date, time, and location of the Annual Meeting shall be announced in writing at least thirty days in advance.
b) The Cabinet shall meet at least monthly. The dates shall be chosen by the Team Leader and shall avoid holiday weekends. The Team Leader, or a majority of the Executive Committee, may call additional meetings as necessary.
Article 7. Voting
Voting privileges at all ERDMMT meetings shall be as follows:
a) Each Executive Committee or Cabinet member or his/her representative present has one vote.
b) All members of the ERDMMT present at any meeting shall have one vote each.
c) The method of voting may be by voice, show of hands, or ballot.
d) Members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.
e) Proxy votes may be submitted via any member of the Executive Committee with a copy of the request provided to the Secretary.
Article 8. Finances
a) The ERDMMT shall be financed from within its own constituency and operate as an autonomous organization. All money received shall be used to support the properly approved programs of the Mens Ministry Team.
b) The ERDMMT shall operate on a calendar year basis. The calendar year shall begin January 1.
c) Funds received by the ERDMMT shall be deposited only in banks or savings and loan institutions approved by the Executive Committee and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by the Federal Savings and Loan Corporation.
d) The Finance Committee, as appointed by the ERDMMT, shall prepare an annual balanced budget for the corning fiscal year for presentation and approval at the last Executive Committee meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. The budget shall be ratified at the Annual Meeting.
e) Financial projects, any set aside funds, and total expenditures should be included in the annual report.
f) Members of the Executive Committee shall be reimbursed for approved expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Any voucher received by the treasurer from a non-executive committee member must have prior approval of the Team Leader.
g) The Team Leader and the Treasurer shall be authorized signatories for distribution of ERDMMT funds.
h) No one individual may authorize obligation of ERDMMT funds.
i)  An annual financial reconciliation will be conducted by the finance team to be included in the annual report.
Article 9. Nominating Committee
a) The Nominating Committee shall consist of the District Director, Chairman; District Superintendent; Immediate Past Team Leader; and two members appointed by the current Team Leader.
b) If the District Director is unable or unwilling to serve, the Immediate Past Team Leader will act as chairman
c) Each year there shall be at least one called meeting of the Nominating Committee prior to the September Cabinet Meeting.
d) A slate of officers for all elective positions shall be developed and presented to the Cabinet for information at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Each nominee shall be contacted to ensure willingness to serve prior to his inclusion on the slate.
e) Nominations from the floor may be made at the September meeting or submitted in writing to the Nominations Committee up to 30 days prior to the September meeting, provided the nominee is willing to serve and meets the qualifications for office as set forth in ARTICLE I of these bylaws.
f) After the cut-off date for Nominations is reached, a list of officer nominees shall be compiled and sent to all the fellowships for their information at least two week prior to the Annual Meeting.
g) Any officer not being nominated for his current office shall be informed not less than 30-days prior to the September meeting.

Article 10. Themes
a) The adopted theme of the ERDMMT is: "Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only" (James chapter 1, verse 22 - KJV).
b) The adopted theme song of the Elizabeth River District UMMen is: "Rise up, 0 men of God" (Hymn 576, The United Methodist Hymnal).
Article 11. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution and Bylaws of the ERDMMT may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the ERDMMT by a majority of all voting members present, and approved amendments shall become effective immediately. Any proposed amendments must be presented to the Cabinet for review and recommendation. The Elizabeth River District Men’s Ministry Team Leader shall present the proposed amendment(s) (with Cabinet recommendation) to the local fellowships at least thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting.