Elizabeth River District Men's Ministry
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ministering To Men Along The Elizabeth River

The United Methodist Men (UMM) along with the United Methodist Church is a connectional organization that depends on relationships to grow and prosper spiritually.  The UMM receive no other centralized funds.  So except for those fellowships that charter, donate directly or individuals who participate as Every Man Shares (EMS) members, there is no means of support. This is more a matter of discipleship than funding.  Although stewardship is integral to growing as a disciple, our purpose is not raising money, but raising spiritual sons and daughters, brothers and sisters.  UMM is dedicated to helping us grow spiritually and to help other men do the same through a growing relationship with God through Christ.  We do that through our own relationships with each other.


If you currently meet as a men’s fellowship and are not chartered, please prayerfully consider doing so.  If you are not meeting and would like help in forming or reforming a men’s fellowship, contact David Collins , Past Team Leader, so we can discuss options as appropriate.