Elizabeth River District Men's Ministry
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Ministering To Men Along The Elizabeth River

General Commission of UMM - June 2017

General Commission on United Methodist Men - Leader Letter, June 2017

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A bimonthly e-mail letter
from agency officers and staff 
to leaders of United Methodist Men

June, 2017

Click here to view the full newsletter with expanded articles.


Fog obscured Gil Hanke’s view of an Oslo, Norway, landscape. The staff executive says our lives are sometimes fogged in by worries and lots of stuff. However, there are times when the fog lifts and we see clearly. The12th National Gathering will clear the fog, and bring you hope and wholeness.
Larry Coppock, director of scouting ministry for the commission, also encourages UM Men to attend the national gathering. Three 90-minute workshops will help your church expand your scouting ministries, enable you to reach unchurched youth, improve ways in which you mentor youth, and address issues related to cyberbullying.
“How friendly is your church and men’s organization?” That’s a question Rick Vance, director of men’s ministry, asks us to consider. He suggests ways to help your local organization involve new members, consider new opportunities for ministry and enable men to grow in their relationships with God and others.
NACP President Steve Nailor is celebrating 50 years of marriage, and he is looking forward to celebrating a report that UM Men are doubling their contributions to the Meals for Millions program of the Society of St. Andrew. He also views the National Gathering as a time of celebration.
Mark Lubbock laments the fact that there are few differences between people who attend church and those who do not. He reports on a study by the Center for Bible Engagement that says differences appear when a person engages in Bible study four times a week.
Jim Boesch, a deployed staff member, observes that UM Men organizations excel at making plans and developing programs. He says they are also skilled at using church newsletters and media to announce the events, but they seldom issue personal invitations.
Mark Dehority says we classify people in a variety of ways, but he proposes we should classify them as “saved” and “lost.” He says, “If we are lost, we need to be saved. If we are saved we need to save the lost.” And he suggests Jesus wants us to save everyone. He asks, “Are we prepared to talk about how Jesus saved us?”

12th National Gathering
Register here for the National Gathering of United Methodist Men, July 7-8 in Indianapolis
View a promotional video
For more information go to ummgathering.org

A reminder:
Make sure that your church’s UMM charter is recertified for 2017. Check with your local treasurer or church secretary to ensure your church is still connected with GCUMM. If you are unsure whether or not your church has recertified, please email jstrausbaugh@gcumm.org. To recertify online, click here.  Many thanks!

Also, catch up on the latest news and opinions at the Facebook of UM Men.
Expand the ministries of Strength for Service by purchasing material from a Home Depot store. The General Council on Finance and Administration provides step-by-step instructions. Do not try to register your credit card at a store.

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